From Alice D. 06/16/07:
I would like to thank you so much for this website. I saw a report on it on the news earlier this week.
As I went to the site and found the page on Clinton Ahlquist I shed tears. We are a town of less than 500 people and at this time we currently have ten of our former students in the military, Clint was number eleven. The word of Clint's death in February hit our community like a bomb. He was special to all of us, as all our young people are. And although we felt the war because we have several people over there, Clint's brought the war to a deeper and much more painful level for all of us.
Clint was the only child of friends of mine, and I work at the school where he graduated; he always held a special place in my heart. Thank you for not allowing his death or the death of the numerous others who gave their lives in current conflicts go unremembered. Your website is truly appreciated; I am sure I am not the only person in our country who truly appreciates.
Thanks so much!
Alice D
Creede, Colorado |