Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fallen Heroes, Iraq War 03/19/03

Freeman L Gardner Jr

Little Rock, Arkansas

March 22, 2007

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
26 Army Sgt

18th Engineer Company, 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division

Fort Lewis, Washington

 Killed in Baghdad, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his unit while on combat patrol.

Sgt Freeman L Gardner Jr Standing on a hill facing a group, Sgt. Freeman Gardner

From Farra Ratliff 04/11/07:

My son Sgt. Freeman Gardner, Jr., was a true devoted family man who love the Lord.
I believe he would said these words: 
"Stay focus, optimistic and be the best you can be. Finish the job, you had committed yourself to perform. Do not let obstacles blind or hinder your success in life. Don't forget to say I LOVE YOU, to the ones dearest to you, for you know not the time or the hour, GOD will call you home". 
From his mother Farra Ratliff

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