Frank J Gasper |
Merced, California |
May 25, 2008 |
Killed in Najaf, Iraq, when his vehicle encountered an improvised explosive device. |
A Soldier’s Tribute Over the next few years, we became pretty good friends, but Frank was always professional enough to know the difference between work and play. We spent a few too many nights over a few too many beers talking about his life growing up in rural California on a dairy and how much he loved building cars with his Dad, his favorite being the Chevy Nova which his Dad always joked with him about being a girl’s car. He used to tell me about all his friends back in California and the Muscle Car Club they all belonged to. I can remember how big of a smile he would get when he talked about winning burn-out contests at the local car shows. I watched Frank grow from a nervous, young private to a confident and competent NCO. One of the proudest days of my career came in December of 2006 when I got to promote him to sergeant, and even more proud when I got to walk him into the Staff Sergeant Promotion board in the summer of 2007. Frank loved his job. He was always reminiscing about his time as SGM Steigall’s radio operator in Tikrit, telling stories about how crazy SGM was. Also about his time in Task Force Pioneer with LTC Roberson (then a Major) and how exciting the missions were and how much he loved being on them. He always wanted to be a Green Beret. Though he never got there, Frank was as much of an 18E and a “Quiet Professional” as I’ve ever seen.
He was a Hero to his high school sweetheart and wife, Brianna, whom he loved with all that he was. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a couple who loved each other as much as they did. He was absolutely everything to her and spoke of her as if she was his Queen. My wife and I often commented to each other about how cute they were together and about all the sweet comments Brianna would leave on Myspace about her hero who was in Iraq. He was a Hero to his Family who was so very proud of his service in the Special Forces and to this great nation. Frank often attributed his decision to join the Army to that fact that he’s had several family members who have served, and spoke of them highly. He was a hero to all of us. His dedication and professionalism were unmatched by any of his peers. His mentorship to his soldiers was paramount in their continued success in this war on terror. His life forever changed all of ours. Frank believed in and loved what he did. He was a CHAMPION of the oppressed. He was always ready to deploy, he was always ready to fight, and he was always ready to get on that truck. Frank died doing what he loved to do, and wouldn’t of had it any other way. If he wasn’t leading the way, he wasn’t satisfied. Frank was my brother… he was our brother. I would like to close with a scripture from the book of John. 15:13 Greater Love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Frank laid down his life and though he has passed from this world, I know in my heart that I will see him again one day, like another scripture from John says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall NOT perish but have everlasting life.” I love you Frank… you will never be forgotten. |
05/27/2008 GAAS:290:08 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Death of Merced Soldier: Sgt. Frank J. Gasper Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today released the following statement regarding the death of Sgt. Frank J. Gasper of Merced, CA: “Sergeant Frank Gasper’s bravery is a shining example of the courage and determination that makes our nation strong. His dedication to preserving our nation’s freedom serves as inspiration to all Californians and his sacrifice will not be forgotten. Maria and I extend our prayers to Frank’s family and friends as they mourn this tremendous loss.” Gasper, 25, died May 25 in Najaf, Iraq, of wounds suffered when his vehicle encountered an improvised explosive device. Gasper was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group, United States Army, Fort Carson, CO. In honor of Sgt. Gasper, Capitol flags will be flown at half-staff. |
From Merced Sun-Star merced 05/27/08:
Merced Co. Soldier Killed In Iraq: |
Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away
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