Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fallen Heroes, Iraq War 03/19/03

Brian Cody Prosser

Frazier Park, California

December 5, 2001

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
28 Army SSG

3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group

Ft. Campbell, Kentucky

Killed by ordnance from a B-52 aircraft north of Kandahar, Afghanistan

Brian "Cody" Prosser Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Brian "Cody" Prosser Memorial Scholarship was developed in remembrance of Staff Sergeant Brian Prosser, a 28-year-old Staff Sergeant in the Army’s Green Beret Special Forces, who was one of three soldiers killed by a U.S. friendly fire incident in Afghanistan on December 5th, 2001.

The Prosser Memorial Scholarship Fund is a tribute to Staff Sergeant Prosser’s patriotism, courage and sacrifice for the nation he loved. Each year, the Prosser Memorial Fund distributes one-time scholarships to college-bound students from Maricopa and/or Frazier Park High Schools in California, each year. Recipients are chosen based on a combination of financial need, recommendations from local school officials, and the traits of strong character, discipline, service to community, and academic and extracurricular achievement, which defined Prosser’s life.

To donate to the scholarship fund, please contact or send your tax-deductible contribution to:

The National Veterans Foundation
c/o NVF/Cody Prosser Memorial Scholarship
9841 Airport Blvd., Suite 512
Los Angeles, CA 90045 

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