Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fallen Heroes, Iraq War 03/19/03

Jason William Moore

San Marcos, California

May 19, 2003

Age Military Rank Unit/Location
21 Marines L/Cpl

Medium Helicopter Squadron 364, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing

Camp Pendleton, California

Killed when helicopter he was in went down shortly after takeoff in the Shatt Al Hillah Canal, in Iraq.

AP News

Jason William Moore was gung-ho about everything, no matter how much of a challenge it was. "He was the only person who complained when boot camp was over because he wanted more," longtime friend Josh Wagner said. Moore of San Marcos, Calif., and stationed at Camp Pendleton, was among four Marines who died in a helicopter crash May 19 in Iraq.

From Jeanette Moore 02/19/07:

Jason W. Moore was my grandson, and everything you have said about him is true. His grandfather and I was in TX and he called to tell us good-bye. I told him to come back to us and he said to me "Grandma I'll come back but if God wants me then I will know I did what I wanted to do, fly. I will never forget those words. I also had another grandson and granddaughter that was over there two years ago but thank God they came back.
He was always their to help all people. We were going to a flea market there in San Marcos
and some boys had trouble getting their bike in the back of the truck, Jason went right over to help them. Such a sweet boy.

And he is with his grandfather (died 2-06-06) looking down at their mountain.

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